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Showing posts from April, 2022

Startup Day 304

When I was in college, I applied for a scholarship and my faculty interviewer said, "this is a really competitive process. If you don't get the scholarship, be upset for a nanosecond and then refocus yourself and move on." For anyone who's known me since childhood, it'll come as no surprise that I wasn't accustomed to failure. In my mind, that scholarship was already mine. Turns out I needed the professor's advice. I didn't get the scholarship and I was upset yet there were more important things for me to focus on. Fast forward to last night. I got my first opportunity to pitch Empowered Together to an audience. Despite a strong presentation, I/Empowered Together didn't win the pitch competition. I allowed myself a nanosecond of disappointment and then got back in the game. There was still a whole evening of networking ahead of me. Honestly, I walked away with things that are even more invaluable as I build the business: contacts and offers of warm

Startup Day 295

I'm part of a founders' community on Slack with an emotional-support channel. That's the place where we entrepreneurs post our struggles and receive love from peers who understand. One day, I get accepted into a program with pro bono legal support and I'm flying high. The next, I learn that a similar startup is making strides and I doubt my ability to execute. Given that I experienced the same roller coaster with my first startup, I'd say this journey is common to most founders. My first experience helps me approach things with a little more wisdom this time. Here are a few things I keep in mind: 1. I keep my eyes on my vision of a world where all families of kids with special needs are supported, heard, and included. 2. I remember that my primary identity is God's daughter and not founder. 3. I incorporate practices outside work that are life-giving. Of course there are days when I falter on one or all of those, but keeping them in focus over time helps me stay