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and one more thing

While writing the last blog, I forgot the story I had intended to tell. I was at lunch yesterday with a colleague who commented on Al and Tipper Gore separating. He exclaimed, "Wow, if even they can get divorced then any couple is vulnerable." Umm, no ?!*%, Sherlock! Hello-oh?! Perhaps I am one of the few who believes that any couple is vulnerable AND that couples need to proactively protect their marriages. We live in a world where we are told from a very young age to do whatever makes us happy, where we are told we need to do whatever's right for us, where our egos are nurtured and supported to such an extent that we don't think about others. We don't consider that pain and struggle can also result in triumph. While I approach this from a spiritual perspective and believe that a very real enemy exists in this world who would like nothing more than to see every union shattered and commitment stolen, I would also make my appeal from a moral perspective. Couples vow to remain together for life. We let society off the hook too easily when we accept 50%+ divorce rates.
I know that I'm young, unmarried, and seemingly inexperienced in these matters. I also hope by God's grace to be on guard when I am married and face challenges that I know will surely come.


april said…
I agree with you about guarding marriage. I think it is both a spiritual and a pragmatic batlle. Pragmatically, I think we need to take intentional steps to build unity in our marriages and to reduce unity with people that can be just too tempting. I'm sorry for the Gores, but I think that they would have even more stress on their marriage than a non-public couple. I'm saddened rather than surprised when public couples break up.

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