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short shorts and snowballs

I wish you were there because you, too, would have been overcome by infectious laughter of the uncontrollable variety. So, I was at the gym a couple days ago and I got on the elliptical machine next to a man in very short shorts running on a treadmill. I've seen this guy before, running at super-sonic speed while listening to his iPod. The worst/best of it is that he self-motivates while running. Not only does he appear as though he'll go crashing through the wall (or flying off the back of the treadmill) at any moment, but he begins cheering himself on, "Go! Push! You can do it! That's it! Keep it up!"
And that was the moment at which I lost it. I started grinning; I glanced at the runner and he looked back as though nothing was amiss; I started silently giggling. I glanced to the other side and my neighboring ellipticalist was grinning back with a knowing look. I closed my eyes and pictured sobering, terrible scenes to control myself. I had flashbacks to first grade when I would catch the eye of a friend and we'd start giggling uncontrollably. The only difference between then and now is 20 years. Some things never change.
Now, on to the snowballs. I was SO wishing my brother was in my kitchen this morning because my freezer spontaneously defrosted, leaving piles of slushiness that I began shoveling out, packing into balls, and throwing into the sink. It would have been SO much better if I could have taken target practice. Of course, as usual, I would have been the better (read: more frequently hit) target but it's always fun to instigate these things with my siblings.


Anonymous said…
So, I was reading your latest blog to Tim because I had read the first part to myself and thought it was hilarious, and then I got to the snowball part...we both were laughing quite a bit, and he says that he wishes that he were there too! we miss you and love you sar!
Anonymous said…
The entertainment never ceases! Keep up the good work with the blogs Sarah. Glad to hear you're having fun! :)


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