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sent an angel

This picture captures the continual state in which we exist both here on the Cape & in life. Mom could not be happier that we're together. Dad's waiting for the automatic timer to flash. I'm Wild At Heart, gazing into the foretold magnificent sunset.
A small group of us discussed John Eldredge's book Wild At Heart this past weekend at Gordon. While I agree, in part, with the many critiques of the book, the fact remains that Eldredge's book acted as a catalyst in my life. God instrumentally used it to propel me across the country on His wild adventure. Remembering this process reminded me of how faithful God has been.
Reflection marks my life these days. God graciously sent an angel (Numbers 20:16) to lift me out of the melancholy accompanying too much reminiscence. Viewing numerous photos of friends buoyed my spirits, too. I posted some old photos for you to catch a glimpse. Let me share a few clips of what I've been reading lately that contributed to this pensive blogging state:

"As the weeks of her narrative unfold, she digs deeper and deeper, eventually coming to what is the most difficult task we face in this life: to know and to love at the same time. Can we? Is it ever really possible? Don't we choose otherwise, almost always? There is a 'wound to knowledge' in the words of Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, and most of us feel that reality in our deepest hearts, and it is painful. To know like that costs us. We find it hard to talk about." ~Stephen Garber reviewing A Dark Oval Stone by Marsena Konkle in the publication Critique, Issue #8-2006

"Mr. Jain . . . says he was unaware Mr. Thoti was a Dalit . . . [Mr. Thoti] says he's happy. 'I never ask him about his caste,' says K. Sreenivasulu, a 30-year-old colleague from a higher caste. 'Caste doesn't matter to me here, especially in the work environment.' Outside the office, the picture remains more complicated. Recently, Mr. Thoti learned he would have to move, and began searching for a new apartment. He approached a building just around the corner. The landlord's response: 'Brahmins only.'" ~Paul Beckett in The Wall Street Journal, Vol. CCXLIX No. 146 (6/24/07)

"Swear allegiance to what is nighest your thoughts. As soon as the generals and the politicos can predict the notions of your mind, lose it. Leave it as a sign to mark the false trail, the way you didn't go. Be like the fox who makes more tracks than necessary, some in the wrong direction. Practice resurrection." ~Wendell Berry from Manifesto: The Mad Farmer Liberation Front from The Country of Marriage: Collected Poems

And now I'm off to view the stars from that lovely widow's walk perch in the photo above. I'll think about how I flew a kite today (finally) and how the waves bore me towards shore in a kayak. I'll think about friends near and far and this evening's good conversation over berrytinis. I'll laugh about the de-treaded tire incident that marked my journey yesterday and the resulting sweet time with Dad today around the tire shop in search of finger puppets. And maybe, just maybe, I'll dream a bit.


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