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Grand Teton Panoramic View
This was taken at Fox Creek Pass during my two night stay in Death Canyon in Grand Teton National Park. I conducted a recon trip to scope out my planned path to Marion Lake. As you can see, the snowy landscape void of trail markers made me think better of attempting a solo orienteering expedition. I did the unthinkable for Sarah Hine and retraced my steps out of the park! And yes, Dad, I lived to tell about it. Unfortunately, I don't have freezing temps, white-out conditions, and gale-force winds to bolster the tale.
Dandelion Video (sideways)
I simply couldn't resist on my hike out.
Grand Teton Panoramic View
This was taken at Fox Creek Pass during my two night stay in Death Canyon in Grand Teton National Park. I conducted a recon trip to scope out my planned path to Marion Lake. As you can see, the snowy landscape void of trail markers made me think better of attempting a solo orienteering expedition. I did the unthinkable for Sarah Hine and retraced my steps out of the park! And yes, Dad, I lived to tell about it. Unfortunately, I don't have freezing temps, white-out conditions, and gale-force winds to bolster the tale.
Dandelion Video (sideways)
I simply couldn't resist on my hike out.